Special Event Permit Application

Complete the following form providing as much information about your event. A representative from the Arts & Culture Department will contact you within 5 business days to review your Special Event Permit request.

Personal information collected through this form is only collected to process the Event Permit application. The collection, use, and disclosure of personal information is subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Personal information collected through this form might be shared with other agencies to fulfill other permit requirements. The information collected will be retained and disposed of according to the District of Squamish Records Management Bylaw No. 2622, 2019, and the District of Squamish Records Classification and Retention Schedule If you have any questions, please contact the Information and Privacy Supervisor at 604-815-4948.

Organization type (choose only one)
Type of event (check all that apply)
Will your event have food available?
If YES - will you be cooking food?
If YES - what type of equipment will you be using? (deep fryer, BBQ, food truck etc)
If food truck - do the vendors have a current year GVFCA mobile food vendor decal?
Will your event have alcohol on site?
Will your event be on or use Municipal property, land, or facilities?
Estimated number of participants

Site plan and route of the event 
(names of trails, location of start and finish lines, and/or roads to be used):

Event organizers are requested to submit a site plan and/or map of the proposed route(s) and all relevant details. Multiple maps are welcome. Please email them to events@squamish.ca along with other requested information, applications, etc.
Need help with your map?
Use the District of Squamish GIS Map located on our website to guide you.

Street Event: A street event means parade, festival, party, neighbourhood gathering, performance, tag day, athletic event, or other public or private event that is held or take place, in whole or in part, on any street or highway in the Municipality and which may interfere with normal traffic flow.

Will your event use, cross, or close Municipal streets?

If you are planning to close a street or multiple streets, staff will contact you for more information.

IMPORTANT: You may be required to advise the public of street closures by social media, radio and/or newspaper ads 5 weeks, 3 weeks and 1 week before your event.
Do you want to close a street for your event?
Do you plan to use Brennan Park Recreation Centre facilities?

Will the event make use of....

Centennial / Hendrickson Sports Fields
Do you plan to have a beer garden and/or apply for a liquor licence for your event?
Do you plan to use a District park?
No structures, tents or heavy vehicles are permitted on District Park Land unless authorized by a Parks Foreperson.
Which park(s)? Check all that apply to your application:

Please ensure you have read all bylaws applicable to you event. Visit the bylaw library.

  • Special Events Bylaw
  • Event fees (Fees & Charges Bylaw)
  • Noise regulations (Noise Regulation Bylaw)
  • Traffic regulations (Traffic Regulation Bylaw)
  • Liability insurance requirements
  • Signage (Sign Bylaw)
  • Wildlife attractants (Wildlife Attractant Bylaw)

If you are unsure which bylaws apply to your event, please contact the Events Department

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