Development Cost Charges (DCC) Bylaw Amendment No.2265, 2015

The purpose of a DCC Bylaw is to ensure that development pays for new infrastructure required as a result of growth, and current tax payers pay for existing and future befitting infrastructure.  The District’s OCP indicates that a review and update of a DCC bylaw should occur on a regular basis to ensure that a municipality is adequately funding infrastructure needs as a result of community growth.  The current update of the DCC Bylaw commenced in 2012; however the update was delayed in part due to the marketing of the Oceanfront Lands for development.  The rationale for the delay regarding SODC was to ensure that any DCC projects that would result from that development were understood in terms of their implication and included in the DCC Bylaw.  It is important to note that this Bylaw is completely separate from the sale of the Oceanfront lands and applies to the entire community.

View the DCC Bylaw or visit Municipal Hall.

See the report to Council regarding the DCC Bylaw or visit Municipal Hall.

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