Winter in Squamish

Wintertime in Squamish is a beautiful season to enjoy its natural surroundings and stunning vistas—however, a change in weather also brings chages to services and safety. Residents and visitors should make themselves familiar with these unique wintertime conditions.

Snow Management

The District provides 24-hour snow removal service during times of heavy snowfall, as well as salting and sanding during extreme cold temperatures, to keep our roads safe.

The District's snow-clearing priorities are: 

  1. Open up priority routes for emergency vehicles and public transportation routes.
  2. Keep the priority routes open — this may mean starting over during large snow events.
  3. Open up business areas, civic buildings and then provide one access to residential properties.
  4. After the storm has passed, restore mobility on residential streets as well as removing snow off the roads to permit drainage.

During snow storms, crews will be focused on first priorities that may cause delays in clearing secondary and residential areas. Sanding and plowing may be carried out on a 24-hour basis as long as poor conditions exist. When the storm lets up or crews have successfully plowed and sanded/salted the first priority routes, the remaining work on residential routes is performed during regular eight-hour shifts.

Private roads, such as through strata complexes, are managed by private strata councils.

To report a concern or issue, please contact Public Works:

7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. - 604.815.6868
24-hours - 604.815.4040


Owners and occupiers of property are asked to clear snow and ice from sidewalks adjacent to their property.  The District clears sidewalk letdowns for accessibility as well as sidewalks adjacent to District property, bus shelters and vacant Crown property. Sidewalk clearing is governed by the District of Squamish Frontage and Sidewalk Maintenance Bylaw No. 2669, 2019.

Outdoor drains are more likely to block in the winter months. During extreme winter conditions, residents are asked to step up and do their part and prevent street flooding by shovelling the snow out of the catch basin in front of their house and keeping it clear of leaves, twigs, litter, and other debris.  However, safety first - please do not attempt to clear basins along busy streets or where there is a risk of being hit by traffic. 

The provincial Ministry of Transportation is responsible for the maintenance and snow clearing of Highway 99. This work is currently contracted to Miller Capilano Maintenance Corporation

Please report issues to 604.892.1010 or email or report a problem to DriveBC.

For traffic and road conditions on the highway, please check Drive BC and live Highway 99 Cameras around Squamish. Drive BC is also available for mobile devices and by calling 1-800-550-HWYS (4997).  

Please check the Environment Canada website for weather reports.

Tune in to Mountain FM for Highway 99 road reports.


During snow conditions, residents and visitors are asked to please keep vehicles off the street as much as possible to not obstruct the snow-clearing process.

From December 1 to March 1, parking will only be allowed on one side of the street where indicated to provide access to snow plows and emergency vehicles. Please adhere to winter parking restrictions, vehicles parking on the No Parking side of the street may be ticketed and towed at any time to ensure community safety. The fine for impeding snow removal is $250.

Waste Management

During winter, residents are asked to please place garbage and recycling totes on their driveway and not on the road to allow for the snow-clearing process— don't worry, the arms of the garbage truck extend 12 feet!

Due to cooler conditions, the organics pickup schedule is bi-weekly from November until May. 

Over the holidays, the 2023 curbside collection schedule is amended as follows:

  • Monday, December 25 collections will be picked up on Sunday, December 24.
  • Monday, January 1 collections will be picked up on Sunday, December 31.

Facility Closures Over the Holidays

Over the holidays, various municipal facilities have operational hour changes. Please follow us on social media or sign up to eNews to stay up to date with these changes. 

New Year's Eve Fireworks

Fireworks are permitted in Squmish for permit holders between 8 p.m. December 31 and 12:30 a.m. on January 1, 2024.