Please request forms and send applications for access to the bulk fill water stations by emailing the District at See below for payment instructions. Contact-free key pick up will be arranged with individuals as required.
There are three automated bulk water fill stations in Squamish from which bulk water can be purchased: one non-potable and two potable. Please find the map here. The use of non-potable water is encouraged whenever possible.
Non-potable water
Non-potable water is NOT safe for human consumption, food processing, hand washing or bathing.
Appropriate uses of non-potable bulk water include:
Potable water
The District only ensures water potability to point where water is dispensed from the water fill station. The customer is responsible for using appropriate hose type, appurtenances, and hauling tank to ensure water potability after the automated dispenser valve.
Appropriate uses of potable bulk water include:
The use of District and/or private fire hydrants is not permitted. Hydrants are reserved for use by Squamish Fire Rescue only.
Set up a pre-paid bulk water fill account with the District to access the automated non-potable and potable bulk water fill stations.
Non-potable ($15.27 per cubic meter)
Potable ($43.77 per cubic meter)
Bulk fill water rates are set out in the District of Squamish Fees and Charges Bylaw No. 2012, 2007.
Note: application processing times can take up to 10 business days.
A key and pin number to access all fill stations will be issued upon receipt of required documentation and pre-payment. Access to the stations is not transferable between customers. Call the Building Department at 604.815.6872 to make payment arrangements.
Companies purchasing bulk water for commercial or industrial use must submit:
Note: Applicants must provide ALL above documents before accessing Bulk Water.
The discharge pipe at each location is equipped with a 2.5-inch fire hydrant port fitting. The purchaser is responsible for providing their own hose and connector, and insured water-hauling vehicle.
Upon successful application for access to the bulk fill water stations, the District will provide customers with a key, unique access code and PIN, which give access to all of the fill stations. At the station, follow the prompts on the access panel. The stations are accessible 24/7/365. Stations are occasionally unavailable for maintenance.
For any troubleshooting issues or to report an issue or concern, please call Public Works at 604.815.6868 during office hours or, after hours, Connections Call Center at 604.815.4040.
Non-potable water is NOT safe for human consumption, food processing, hand washing or bathing. Potable water is safe for these uses. The District only ensures water potability to point where water is dispensed from the water fill station. The Company is responsible for using appropriate hose type, appurtenances, and hauling tank to ensure water potability after the automated dispenser valve.
The District encourages the use of non-potable water whenever possible to reduce strain on the District’s drinking water system. Appropriate uses of non-potable bulk water include:
Appropriate uses of potable bulk water include:
24/7/365. Stations are occasionally unavailable for maintenance.
No. Account codes are not transferable.
Public Works front desk:
39909 Government Road.
Office hours: 8 am to 3 pm
The following payment options are available.
Please include your contact information and indicate company name for credit bulk water provision.
Hendrickson Fields Station | 39025 Loggers Lane
Industrial Park Station | 1115 Enterprise Way
Clarke Drive Station | 38042 Behrner Drive
No. Customers must provide their own water-hauling trucks.
No. Customers must provide their hoses, appropriate fixtures, and tanks.
No. Use of District and/or private fire hydrants is not permitted. Hydrants are reserved for use by Squamish Fire Rescue only. Unauthorized use of fire hydrants and standpipes is not permitted, per Article 7. (f)(1) of the District of Squamish Water Rates Regulations and Water Extension Bylaw No. 676, 1980.
Failure to comply compromises vital public safety infrastructure and may result in fines, suspension of business license(s) or other legal or enforcement remedies.
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