What is an Official Community Plan?



What is an Official Community Plan?

The Official Community Plan (commonly referred to as an OCP) is the approved document that establishes the vision, objectives, goals and priorities for how Squamish will grow and evolve looking forward. It sets out a clear, community vision today, so we can shape our future in a way that is healthy and sustainable and provides a high quality of life for current and future residents.

While the OCP is a high-level document, it will have specific tools and policies to determine how the community should consider new development proposals and to guide Council decisions in the coming years. It is also the foundational document from which all other policies and plans flow, therefore a clearly articulated vision in the OCP will set the stage for all other District work.The current OCP was adopted in 2010.

The OCP will guide future planning decisions such as:

  • Where should new development go and what form will it take?
  • How can we create more local jobs in growth sectors that are relevant for the future and our demographic shift?
  • What types of housing do existing and future residents need, and how can we encourage more affordable housing?
  • How can we create a built environment (roads, parks, trails, gathering areas) that meets the community’s aspirations and values in our neighbourhoods?
  • How can we create a healthy and active community that is safe, convenient, and accessible for people of all ages and abilities? And many more.

To learn more about the OCP, how it relates to other plans, and why it needs updating please visit our frequently asked questions. To view the current OCP, please click here.

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